Random Altered Memory came from one week exploration into different procedural generation techniques inside unreal engine. I went into this under two schools of thought, a grid based map generation style method that could utilize such a noise generation or maze algorithm. The school of thought I finished with in the end of this experiment was a sequence generation, for me this seemed as a more of a wildcard going into procedural world generation within game development. Sequence Generation is normally used to make simple value generation. I took note of Markov's Chain's attachment to make sequences based on previous generation as well as the classically simple walk idea.
Months later I decided to pick up the experiment after showing a few students the project. They were fascinated by watching this script constantly making this never ending level with it branching off and growing in everyway. At the time there was a very simple first person controller and as a teaching moment I allowed them to explore these levels that the script would generate.
From that point on I saw decided that I wanted to make a game around this concept. Due to the nature of the generation I felt that a movement based rogue game would be something fascinating within core concept of the generation. Over the last few months I have created a core gameplay loop navigating through the many floors of the game. Getting players to get as far down as possible while more and more enemies are being created to knock the player off their floors.
After showcasing this original prototype to a group of 60 students I received an interesting insight from the feedback and playing behaviors, with this I decided to continue to push this game into a more focused development with me working on this within weekends and utilizing the community of developers and students I have access to through CTRLabs.
I have put the current alpha build of the game on itch.io, with plans to move to distribute through steam within 2023